Sunday 27 November 2016

Get the Best out of Outsourcing Product Data Entry Services…

When the businesses of the world are booming by way of the electronic medium, is your business yet to foray into the tech-driven world? Are you also thinking of stepping into the world of e-commerce and online marketing? Then e-commerce product data entry is just what your ultimate need is going to be.

How will an online product catalog help me?

Plunging into online business! Then an online product catalog would be mandatory. And hence, product data entry services are also a must. A useful online product catalog categorizes the products with appropriate images and descriptions. All this only to increase the efficiency of your e-commerce store!

Your potential customers find the online catalog very useful to browse through the list of products and shortlist what they are looking for. It helps in generating online sales too!

What is the need to outsource product data entry services?

Having a website and managing on your own is certainly a daunting task. And if you are not one of the gizmo geeks, then the task may turn to be a nightmare for you. Instead, if you are thinking of entering the digital world of marketing you should consider outsourcing product data entry services to professionals. No matter the voluminous records that you hand over to the professionals, they perform the task very accurately and precisely. These services also add up to your company’s savings by almost 60%!!
How beneficial would outsourcing be to my company?

Outsourcing product data entry services would certainly bring on a host of advantages to your company. Read on below to find out how –

- An experienced team helps you get results within the stipulated deadlines.
- Professional team guarantees 99% accuracy. The quality assurance team looks into further detailing ensuring the quality that has been promised.
- They communicate with the client on a constant basis providing details of the progress of the task.
- There are strict measures to ensure compliance to security. You are assured that your data is 100% safe and secure.
- The companies offering product data entry service understand the requirements of each client is distinct and engage in providing customized solutions for each.

Maximize your sales and minimize your expense – take on the services of the best product data entry services!!

Tuesday 8 November 2016

A sure-shot way to boost your sales figures is here…. Product Data Entry Services!!!

Generate the most astounding figures for your sales reports and get your laces on to achieve them! All this does sound like fantasy! But it can be true to fact! In the age of e-commerce and online sales and marketing, product data entry services is giving you one chance to efficiently boost your sales figures and in turn the revenue for your company.

What happens when you choose to place your product on an online marketplace?

Well, the answer here is – a massive sales turnover! When you upload your products online at a marketplace like eBay, Amazon, etc. you are giving your products the right presence in today’s virtual market. These online stores also provide services like product data entry. They not only place your product on their online store, but also aid in providing guidelines that can help in choosing a brief description of your product / service.

What is the need for Product Data Entry services?

With the coming of the Internet, e-commerce or online selling has eventually become the destiny of any business. If your business does not have an online presence, you are in for a total sales shock! Building an online awareness of your product has become a vital parameter today in selling strategies. Another aspect to be borne in mind is that while you are placing your product online on a store, it is crucial that you keep the stock, price and offers if any updated all the time!

Are the services limited to only placing the product and its description?

Certainly not! Product Data Entry services encompass a host of services that can be significantly valuable for business owners.
· Add product category

· Add new product to database

· Compile and add description about the product

· Add related products

· Product specifications

· Images of the product

· Prices and any changes thereof

· Deletion of unwanted or out of stock items, updating the stock

Leave your worries at bay!

Handover the services to a professional and you can breathe a sigh of relief. High-quality description writing, inventory management, image editing and enhancement, competitor research, product review writing services – each of the above factors can help you cause a positive change in your sales report! So what are you waiting for…. Take help of the best services and let your business soar sky-high.

Saturday 23 July 2016

How Effective Market Research Help your Business Plan Stands out?


Effective market research is the pathway to the success for your business. What does market research accomplish? It primarily studies the factors influencing consumer behavior - cultural factors, social factors, personal factors and psychological factors.

The need for market research – Your company needs market research mainly to identify potential consumers who can be the targets for your products and service. Knowing your customer in and out, market segments study, setting targets and working towards them are some of the factors that help in making your product or service a tremendous success.

Market research can be classified into primary or secondary.
1) Primary research – gives you insight into consumer actions and behavior. The data is gathered directly from consumers through opinion polls, telephonic interviews or surveys.
2) Secondary research – is conducted with the help of reports from other competitor websites or from blogs.
Deciding on which research type to use can vary depending on the purpose of conducting research. You can also choose to use a combination of the two.
Steps to success –

The following steps can effectively lead you towards a successful marketing research strategy.

1.Start with identifying the purpose of your research. Determine what you want to know. This can make the research more focused and the data churned out will be more valuable.

2.Get your interview questionnaires or hypotheses for your target consumers in place. Think of a logical flow of questions and follow-up questions that can help you gain comprehensible data.

3.Search for a relevant group of people to conduct your research. For e.g. if your research is about a household product, that you need to populate housewives or homemakers who can be perfect target for your research.

4.Select your method of conducting research. If the target audience size is small, you can consider personal interviews. If the size of the audience is large, consider social media or email lists.

5.Once your research is done, it is time to make sense out of it. Analyze the information got and you have already begun putting your company on the pathway to success.

Simply take care to avoid these errors –

1.    Relying solely on competitors’ reports and websites.
2.    Using only web sources. These could be outdated and misleading.
3.    Conducting surveys only on acquaintances, family or friends once again can provide misleading results.

To sum it up, your market research when conducted effectively will answer the following questions–

-    Who are your customers?
-    What are their buying habits?
-    Why do they buy?

Now that the importance of market research is clear to you, why don’t you take the next step towards conducting primary or secondary market research for your company and expand your business???